Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The End of Procrastination???

As you can probably tell from the title, my 20-time project is about finding out good methods on how to stop procrastination and get stuff done. But that begs the question: what is 20-time?

20-time is a methodical project focused on with (as the name suggests) 20% of one's work time and can be based on anything they are passionate about. The time dedicated to 20-time tends to be very efficient due to the fact that it is about something they are passionate about, and will keep them motivated to pursue it. Through utilizing 20-time and another similar idea Genius Hour, Google Inc. was able to motivate their employees to work on projects that really inspired them, and through this fascinatingly creative time of innovation, the employees made Gmail, Google Drive, and many other useful google-related apps and functions.

The essential question I have asked for my 20-time project, what I have based my research and am experimenting on, is how to end, or at least mitigate the effects of procrastination. My project tests various methods that are aimed at getting work done, and by executing these methods as they were intended to be, procrastination rates should theoretically come crashing down. I chose this project and this essential question because during my initial research, I found that a whopping 95% of high school students struggle with procrastination to a certain degree! I feel that it is my goal to do my best to bring down these shockingly high procrastination rates and to lead everybody a step in the positive direction.

I will be experimenting with these methods on various people, and plan to measure the effectiveness of these methods by recording the amount of time it takes for them to finish their homework. On a weekly basis, I will test one specific method and will have averaged results over five days to evaluate how much these methods were able to help my friends. Based on these results, I will know which were the most effective and which had little effect.

I hope that these experiments will really benefit my peers in the long run and that each and every one of you will fight procrastination and win.


  1. Looks intriguing, procrastination is certainly a big problem. Look forward to seeing more of this!

  2. This is such a cool project that you seem very interested in! When you are done with your research, you could try to get your information out to SHS, because I know a lot of people, including myself, who would benefit greatly from your info. There are a lot of similar websites with the same content, how will your project be different?
    -Jolyn Tran

    1. The websites I found did not have any solid evidence to back up their claims. What I will be doing is field-testing these methods that they have claimed will work and actually evaluating the effectiveness of these methods for more accurate results. I hope this answers your question and thanks for the thoughtful feedback!

  3. It seems like you did your reaserch and you know what your talking about. This seems cool, but very hard. Good luck
